The mission of Redleaf Press is to improve the lives of children by strengthening and supporting the people who care for them. We publish and distribute resources to make best practice in the early childhood field accessible to people who work directly with young children. In order to be considered for publication or distribution by Redleaf Press, a resource must meet the following content standards:
The material must be developmentally appropriate for the age group for which it is intended. If it is intended for children from birth to eight years of age, it must take into account the Developmentally Appropriate Practice standards published by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (Bredekamp et al., Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs , revised edition [Washington, DC: NAEYC, 1997]). If the authors take issue with these standards for cultural or other reasons, the proposal or manuscript should explicitly address this difference.
The material must be based on sound theory and research in child development. It should demonstrate an awareness of recent developments within the early childhood field, including the work that is being done on brain development, but should be grounded in theory that has proven durable over time. If the research of others is cited to support arguments made in the material, it must be documented thoroughly and used responsibly.
The material must take cultural differences in child development and childrearing practices into account. Examples, stories, curriculum activities, and training exercises must give an accurate picture of human differences and must not further stereotypes or bias based on gender, race, culture, economic class, age, family structure, sexual orientation, disability, or any other facet of identity. In addition, materials must actively contribute to welcoming all children and adults in early childhood programs and must address the issue of bias wherever appropriate.
Materials must reflect an active, learner-centered approach to education. Curriculum materials should acknowledge that each child has his or her own pattern of development and should recognize that firsthand and hands-on experiences are vital to young children's learning. For this reason, books that contain primarily dittos, patterns, or handouts that support teacher-directed early childhood education will not be considered. Materials for trainers must demonstrate an understanding of adult development and an awareness of different learning styles.
Additional Guidelines
We also publish and distribute resources about the management of child care centers and family child care businesses. The material must be based on sound business practice, and the legal and financial information contained in these resources must be current.
The children's books we publish and distribute are issues-oriented. We do not accept alphabet books or fairy tales.
We do not publish or distribute parenting books, unless they foster communication between parents and caregivers.