The mission of Redleaf Press is to improve the lives of children by strengthening and supporting the people who care for them. We publish and distribute educational materials, including books, videos, audio tapes, and CD-ROMs, to make information about best practices in the early childhood field accessible to people who work directly with infants, toddlers and preschoolers. Our audiences are child care center administrators and staff, early childhood educators including preschool and prekindergarten teachers, family child care providers, and early education instructors and trainers.

In order to be considered for publication by Redleaf Press, the material you submit must

  • be age and audience appropriate;
  • be based on sound theory and research in child development;
  • take cultural differences in child development and in child-rearing practices into account;
  • reflect an active, learner-centered approach to education

Redleaf Press does not publish books or other materials for children or for parents unless they are directly related to early care and education issues and practices.

Submitting a Proposal

To submit a book proposal, send us:

  • cover letter describing your book idea. In addition to the nature of the content, we need to know the audience for whom it is intended, how it compares to books that are already available on the same topic; and your applicable expertise.
  • an outline or table of contents showing us the scope and organization of the work, including a summary of what each topic or chapter will cover.
  • writing sample that shows your ability to write clear, coherent prose. Ideally this will include selections from the manuscript you're planning to submit or write, such as the introduction and one or more sample chapters. Additionally, you can send previously published material, such as a magazine or newsletter article, preferably on the same subject that your proposal is about.
  • resume showing your relevant experience and education.

Please submit your materials as an email attachment to

Requests for Proposal

There are no current open proposals.