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Quiet Place


FromInfant-Toddler Social Studies,  Carla Goble

What to have Materials as needed

What to do Create a quiet place for the toddlers to retreat to when they need time to calm themselves or to be away from the action of a busy classroom. A large plastic bin with low sides that a toddler can climb into or a large box turned on its side work well. Hang a soft, sheer piece of fabric over the plastic bin to create a see-through tent. Cover the inside of the space with a soft blanket or rug. Include a couple of pillows, stuffed animals, and a book or two. Toddlers may want to select a special stuffed toy or book to take with them to the quiet place. Introduce the quiet place as an area where a child decides for himself when he wants to go there. For example, say, “Sometimes I get upset and can’t think. Everyone feels like this sometimes. I go to a quiet place to calm down. When I feel better and I am ready to be with other people, then I come out of the quiet place.” You can act this out for the child, pretending to be sad, mad, or upset in some way. Go to the quiet place and hold a stuffed animal or look at a book for a few seconds. Then say, “I feel better. I calmed myself and I’m ready to play again.” You should be able to see the child at all times, including when he is in the quiet place. The quiet place should never be used as punishment. The idea is for toddlers to begin to recognize their feelings and personal needs to calm themselves, to regain self-control, and to monitor their own behavior.

Why - to promote emotional development - to promote the development of a positive sense of self - to promote the ability to self-regulate

For more activities check out
Infant-Toddler Social Studies: Activities to Develop a Sense of Self

By Carla Goble Copyright 2018 2-Year

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