
Birth-4 Months

FromInfant-Toddler Social Studies,  Carla B. Goble

What to have Toy

What to do During tummy floor time, place two infants a few feet apart and facing each other. Put a toy on the floor between them. Lie down with them or sit close. Encourage each child to lift her head up to see the toy. Talk about the toy and what each infant is seeing, including the other baby. Call each child by name and give each verbal encouragement as both develop the ability to raise their heads and look at toys and each other.

Why To learn to play near another infant. To promote social skills and social development

For more activities check out
Infant-Toddler Social Studies: Activities to Develop a Sense of Self

By Carla B. Goble Copyright 2018 Birth-4 Months

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