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Group Weaving Frame

What Is It?


FromMore Than Letters,  Sally Moomaw and Brenda Hieronymus

What to have - colored construction paper, 12 by 18 inches, with a small square cut in every other page to form a window - pictures of animals or familiar objects, cut from magazines and mounted to the pieces of construction paper that do not have windows (each picture should be visible through the window of the page before it) - black marker, to print several clues on each page, followed by the sentence “What is it?”

What to do This teacher-made mystery book includes clues for each hidden picture and a tiny window through which to peek at just a portion of the picture. Helpful Hint Decide on the placement and size of the windows after the illustrations have been mounted.

Why Children will read the repeated phrase on each page along with the teacher. Children will guess what the pictures are. Some children will base their guesses on the clues, while others will guess solely on the appearance of the picture. Some children will help read the clues.

For more activities check out
More Than Letters: Preschool, Kindergarten, and First Grade Literacy Activities

By Sally Moomaw and Brenda Hieronymus Copyright 2001 Preschool/KG

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