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Getting Louder/Getting Softer


FromPreschoolers and Kindergartners Moving and Learning,  Rae Pica

What to have “Getting Louder/Getting Softer” (Length 2:31)—CD Track 22

What to do Describe to the children what is going to happen with the music, and explain that they are going to use gentler movements when the music is soft and heavier movements when it is loud. Begin by tiptoeing around the room with the children, either in a scattered formation or with them in line behind you, gradually increasing the weight of your steps as the music grows louder. By the time the volume is at its loudest, you should be stamping your feet. The music then begins to grow softer, as should your steps, until you are tiptoeing once again. You can end here if you feel the children need to stop, or you can repeat the sequence once again, ending with the song.

Why Child can hear gradually increasing and decreasing volume. Child can correspond movements to music.

For more activities check out
Preschoolers and Kindergartners Moving and Learning: A Physical Education Curriculum

By Rae Pica Copyright 2014 Preschool/KG

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