FromPreschoolers and Kindergartners Moving and Learning, Rae Pica
What to have Adding Equipment: For Shrinking Room, you can provide each child with a plastic hoop to hold around the waist. The goal then becomes that none of the hoops will touch each other. The benefit of using hoops in this manner is that it allows children to actually see their own personal space, and that of others.
What to do Reminding them to look over their shoulders, ask the children to move backward in the following ways: - walking - jumping - creeping - walking with little steps - walking with big steps - on hands and feet
Why The child will develop skills traversing backwards without bumping into anyone or anything. The child will develop a respect for the personal space of others.
For more activities check out Preschoolers and Kindergartners Moving and Learning: A Physical Education Curriculum
By Rae Pica Copyright 2014 Preschool/KG