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The Body Song


FromPreschoolers and Kindergartners Moving and Learning,  Rae Pica

What to have “The Body Song” (Length 2:21)—CD Track 8

What to do Read the following lyrics (as though they were a poem) to the children, asking them to act out the lines accordingly. To the words of the chorus, the children should run their hands down and up the length of their bodies on the first and third lines, and shrug on the second line. The fourth line is self-explanatory. Show me you can touch your toes, Then bring your hand up to your nose. Put a smile upon your face, Do it all in your own space. Bring your elbows to your knees, Then shake all over, if you please. Straighten up, with hands on hips. Can you pucker up those lips? Touch your ankle with your hand. Upon one foot can you now stand? Wiggle fingers in the air. Shake your hips now, if you dare. Close your eyes, then open quick. Around your lips let your tongue lick. With your shoulders you can shrug. Give yourself a great big hug! Chorus: The body, the body. What parts do you know? The body, your body. Touch it high and low!

Why Child will become familiar with and identify body parts. Child demonstrates listening skills.

For more activities check out
Preschoolers and Kindergartners Moving and Learning: A Physical Education Curriculum

By Rae Pica Copyright 2014 Preschool/KG

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