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My Fingers


FromPreschoolers and Kindergartners Moving and Learning,  Rae Pica

What to have Adding Equipment: Finger puppets can make any of these activities more fun—and colorful!

What to do Sit with the children and read the following poem, asking them to act out the lines as appropriate. My Fingers I have ten little fingers, And they all belong to me. I can make them do things— Would you like to see? I can shut them tight Or open them wide; I can put them together Or make them hide. I can make them jump high; I can make them jump low; I can fold them up quietly, And hold them just so.

Why Promotes listening skills. Child can appropriately identify fingers. Child is able to display one finger at a time.

For more activities check out
Preschoolers and Kindergartners Moving and Learning: A Physical Education Curriculum

By Rae Pica Copyright 2014 Preschool/KG

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