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Simon Says

18-24 Months

FromToddlers Moving and Learning,  Rae Pica

What to have No additional materials are needed for this activity.

What to do This is an excellent body-parts activity, as it is challenging yet familiar to most children. I propose one major change, though: do it without the elimination process. In the traditional game, the children who need to participate the most are usually the first to be eliminated. Besides, elimination goes against the grain of a success-oriented philosophy! Initially, you should say “Simon says” before each of the following challenges. (Note: If your children do not understand the concept of your pretending to be someone called “Simon,” have a favorite stuffed animal state the commands, using the animal’s name in place of “Simon.”) Raise your arms. Touch your head. Stand up tall. Touch your shoulders. Pucker up your mouth. Stand on one foot. Place your hands on your hips. Bend and touch your knees. Close (then open) your eyes. Reach for the sky. Give yourself a hug!

Why Child is able to identify body parts as well as develop listening skills.

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By Rae Pica Copyright 2014 18-24 Months

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