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Baby Bubble Fun

Making Sounds to Imitate

4-8 Months

FromInfant-Toddler Social Studies,  Carla B. Goble

What to have None

What to do Hold an infant on your lap and make sounds for her to imitate. Wait for her to respond, and then repeat the sound. Also imitate the sounds she makes. Wait for her to respond, and then repeat. Make different movements with your mouth such as puckering your lips, clicking your tongue, and whistling. Pause afterward and wait for the infant to respond.

Why To promote verbalization. To promote the concept of taking turns. To promote language and communication development.

For more activities check out
Infant-Toddler Social Studies: Activities to Develop a Sense of Self

By Carla B. Goble Copyright 2018 4-8 Months

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