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Group Weaving Frame

Marble Paintings


From200 Essential Preschool Activities,  Julienne M. Olson

What to have - Paper - Marbles - Paint - Shirt boxes - Paint shirts

What to do In this activity, children are exploring how to use marbles as painting tools. If you have a theme for the week, cut out related outlines for the children, such as hearts or trees. This project is just as fun when you use a whole sheet of paper and allow the children to cut out their own shapes after the painted paper is dry. Place the paper, marbles, and blobs of the child’s choice of paint colors in a shirt box. Ask children to hold the edges of the box and tip them back and forth to roll the marbles around, making paint trails. Frame the pictures, or ask the children to cut out designs when the paper is dry.

Why Children are using their motor skills to shake the box and move the marbles. They are creating unique pieces of art. When they choose the paints to use, they can work on color names.

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200 Essential Preschool Activities:

By Julienne M. Olson Copyright 2012 Preschool/KG

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