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Group Weaving Frame

Pass a Rhythm


FromActing Out,  Rae Pica

What to have - Rhythm sticks

What to do Sit in a circle with the children and clap out a simple rhythm (for example, a count of one- two) on your lap or on the floor in front of you. (Counting the beats aloud at first will help the children succeed.) The child next to you repeats that rhythm, and the game continues in a similar manner around the circle. When it’s your turn again, start the game with a different rhythm (for example, a count of one- two- three).

Why To listen and replicate rhythms and sounds with instruments or your body.

For more activities check out
Acting Out: Avoid Behavior Challenges with Active Learning Games and Activities

By Rae Pica Copyright 2019 Preschool/KG

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