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Feeling Sorrow


FromSocial and Emotional Well-Being,  Connie Jo Smith, Charlotte M. Hendricks, Becky S. Bennett

What to have - a variety of sympathy cards

What to do Introduce and explain the word sympathy to children. Read a few sympathy cards to them and talk about what they mean. Select cards that express emotion without representing specific religions. Let children know that some people send sympathy cards to friends when someone they love dies but not everyone follows this practice. Assure children that most people feel really sad when someone they love dies, and the sympathy cards let them know that a friend is thinking about them.

Why To learn about sympathy. To learn about the practice of giving cards after someone dies used in some cultures. To explore and discuss feelings of grief and loss.

For more activities check out
Social and Emotional Well-Being: A Whole Health Curriculum for Young Children

By Connie Jo Smith, Charlotte M. Hendricks, Becky S. Bennett Copyright 1997 Preschool/KG

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