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What's In The Bag?


FromBrain Based Early Learning Activities,  Nikki Darling Kuria

What to have - paper bags - feathers - stickers - cotton balls - foam shapes - fabric swatches - small rocks - small pieces of sponge

What to do Place a variety of art objects into enough paper bags to have one bag for each child. Give each child a different bag, and ask him to make something with the items in the bag. Someone may ask if she has to use all the items. I’d say the more the better, but I want this activity to be open ended, so I’d let the child decide. Watch what happens when the children let their creativity fly. Compare what they made with their supplies. How are they alike? How are they different?

Why Promotes predicting, flexible thinking, sensory-motor skills, and creativity.

For more activities check out
Brain Based Early Learning Activities: Connecting Theory and Practice

By Nikki Darling Kuria Copyright 2010 Preschool/KG

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