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Going on a Trip


FromBrain Based Early Learning Activities,  Nikki Darling-Kuria

What to have None

What to do My dad used to get us to play this game on long car rides to keep us from nagging him about whether we were there yet. This game is a good icebreaker for a new group of children to help them get to know each other better. Gather the children in a circle, and ask the first child to say her name and then name something she would bring on a trip that begins with the first letter of her name. It goes like this: “My name is Nikki. I am going on a trip, and I am bringing nutmeg.” The next child does the same thing but adds what the proceeding child said. “My name is Will. I am going on a trip, and I am bringing walnuts. Her name is Nikki, and she’s bringing nutmeg.” Keep going until every child is introduced. This game is great practice for storing things in short-term memory.

Why To promote matching, sequencing, creative thinking

For more activities check out
Brain Based Early Learning Activities: Connecting Theory and Practice

By Nikki Darling-Kuria Copyright 2010 School-Age

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