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FromEarly Elementary Children Moving & Learning,  Rae Pica

What to have none

What to do This activity provides an excellent review for the end of class. The children form a circle, with one child in the center (Punchinello), and chant or sing: “What can you do, Punchinello, funny fellow? What can you do, Punchinello, funny you?” The child in the center chooses one of the day’s activities to demonstrate. Then the group sings: “We can do it too, Punchinello, funny fellow. We can do it too, Punchinello, funny you.” And they do!

Why Child can think of an activity to demonstrate. Child is able to perform the activity correctly. The responding child is able to correctly imitate what has been demonstrated.

For more activities check out
Early Elementary Children Moving & Learning: A Physical Education Curriculum

By Rae Pica Copyright 2014 School-Age

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