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Dance Art Area

Exploring Up and Down


FromEarly Elementary Children Moving & Learning,  Rae Pica

What to have music player

What to do For this initial exploration of the levels in space, pose the following questions and movement challenges: Show me with your body what “up” and “down” mean. Show me you can make your body go all the way down. All the way up. How high up can you get? Show me you can go down halfway. Make yourself so tiny I can hardly see you. Show me you can become as huge as a giant. Now pretend your feet are glued to the floor. Move your body up and down without moving those feet.

Why Child is able to demonstrate an understanding of the concepts involved. Child can relate and demonstrate the imagery used. Child is able to demonstrate that he hears the rising and descending pitch and respond appropriately.

For more activities check out
Early Elementary Children Moving & Learning: A Physical Education Curriculum

By Rae Pica Copyright 2014 School-Age

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