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Let's Slide


FromEarly Elementary Children Moving & Learning,  Rae Pica

What to have hand drum

What to do A slide resembles a gallop in that one foot leads and the other plays catch-up in an uneven rhythm. In a slide, however, the movement is to the side rather than forward. (Facing forward, with feet together, the child slides one leg out to the side and then, with the weight primarily on that leg, slides the second leg in, so that the feet are once again together. The action, therefore, is step-close, step-close.) Demonstrate the slide to the children and then have them practice it to both sides.

Why The child can face one direction and move in another. The child can perform the slide with an uneven rhythm. The child is able to slide in both directions.

For more activities check out
Early Elementary Children Moving & Learning: A Physical Education Curriculum

By Rae Pica Copyright 2014 School-Age

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