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Hide-and-Seek Names


From200 Essential Preschool Activities,  Julienne M. Olson

What to have MATERIALS No materials are required for this lesson.

What to do SETUP - This is a wonderful game to play during the first few weeks of school, when children are learning one another’s names. - Have one child step out of the room with an adult. - Then choose another child to hide somewhere in the room. This may be behind a door, under a desk, or beneath a blanket. CHILDREN’S ACTIONS When the second child has hidden, the first student should reenter the room, look at the group, and try to figure out who is missing. Encourage children to use the name of the child who is hiding and to share something that child is good at, such as doing puzzles, sharing, or writing her name. When children become accomplished at this game, they can recall details about the missing child. They might say something like, “It is the girl who has a green backpack and a sister named Sally.”

Why WHAT ARE CHILDREN LEARNING? Children are learning the names of their classmates, which will help them initiate peer interaction during playtime. It is fun when the teacher and other adults hide as well.

For more activities check out
200 Essential Preschool Activities:

By Julienne M. Olson Copyright 2012 Preschool/KG

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