From200 Essential Preschool Activities, Julienne M. Olson
What to have MATERIALS - Construction paper or felt - Markers - Pictures - Dice
What to do GAME SETUP Leap Frog Lily Colors focuses on movement, counting, and color recognition. Make several lily pads from different colors of felt or construction paper. On the back of each pad, place a picture or write a word describing a gross motor skill—for example, hop, crawl, or jump. Position the lily pads in a circle in an open space on the floor. HOW TO PLAY Children shake the dice and then hop the specified number of spaces while they pretend to be frogs jumping on lily pads. They identify the color of their pad and then flip it over to see what gross-motor movement they must attempt. Everyone playing the game can try the balancing, hopping, or crawling movement too. The game is over when all the lily pads have been turned over.
Why WHAT ARE CHILDREN LEARNING ? Children are practicing gross-motor movements. They are also counting.
For more activities check out 200 Essential Preschool Activities:
By Julienne M. Olson Copyright 2012 Preschool/KG