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Group Weaving Frame

Push and Pull


From200 Essential Preschool Activities,  Julienne M. Olson

What to have - Large boxes - Obstacles like cones, furniture, or tape on the floor

What to do SETUP - Set up an obstacle course designed for the children to learn the concepts of pushing and pulling. - They can push and pull each other from one cone to another. - They can push and pull around a table or under a blanket held up by two teachers. - Red tape can be placed on the floor, giving children a path to follow as they push their friend; use green tape for the pulling section of the path. CHILDREN’S ACTIONS Children work in pairs to move each other in a large box. Ask one child to sit in the box while the other pulls or pushes him along in response to your commands. Make sure children take turns so each gets to ride and to push or pull. Talk about the concepts of pushing and pulling while the children travel through the obstacle course. Add other concepts, such as through, around, in, or between.

Why WHAT ARE CHILDREN LEARNING? Children are learning movement and location concepts. They are working cooperatively with their peers. They are also using gross motor skills when they figure out leverage and how best to make the box move.

For more activities check out
200 Essential Preschool Activities:

By Julienne M. Olson Copyright 2012 Preschool/KG

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