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Sink or Float?


From200 Essential Preschool Activities,  Julienne M. Olson

What to have - Clear bucket - Water - Objects to place in the water - Envelopes - Cards with pictures of the objects

What to do SETUP - During the classroom circle time, the children sit around a clear bucket or large clear container of water. - Put two envelopes on the wall, one labeled sink and the other labeled float. CHILDREN’S ACTIONS Show objects one at a time to the children and ask them to vote on where to put the card for that item—in the sink or float envelope. Tally the votes and display the numbers. Talk to the children about which option has more votes, and put the card in that envelope. Choose a different child to place each object in the water to see if it sinks or floats.

Why WHAT ARE CHILDREN LEARNING? Children are learning to make predictions and discovering if their predictions are correct. Teachers can talk to children about what the objects are made of and see if children start making connections between, for example, wooden pieces and floating or metal pieces and sinking.

For more activities check out
200 Essential Preschool Activities:

By Julienne M. Olson Copyright 2012 Preschool/KG

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