18-24 Months
FromBaby Steps to STEM, Jean Barbre
What to have • MP3 or CD player • MP3s or CDs of music with various tempos, from slow to fast
What to do Talk to the children about how they can dance by twisting and twirling their bodies. Demonstrate these physical motions for the children. You may first want to twirl children under your arm or help them learn to twirl on their own. Turn on the music and let them twist and twirl their bodies to music. Children love to move their bodies to music and will enjoy watching the adults join them in this activity. Alternate the tempo and beat of the music, allowing children to move slower or faster depending on the beat of the music. Ask the children if they think the music will be fast or slow. Be sure to allow enough space between children that they don’t bump into each other. Adults can hold and move with babies while participating in this activity. Describe to the babies what you’re doing.
Why Children will gain an understanding of spatial awareness and how to move their bodies to music.
For more activities check out Baby Steps to STEM: Infant and Toddler Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Activities
By Jean Barbre Copyright 2017 18-24 Months