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Footsie Rolls


FromEarly Elementary Children Moving & Learning,  Rae Pica

What to have Discuss log rolls with the children. Then have them pair off, with partners lying on their backs with the soles of their feet together.

What to do The object in this activity is for the partners to roll over without their feet breaking contact. This one takes lots of cooperation and enough room to move safely. For example, if you have a small area for movement, you may be limited to only one or two sets of partners working at a time. Any waiting children can act as the audience, cheering or applauding while the partners remain connected and groaning when the connection is broken. Once the connection is broken, another pair takes a turn.

Why Child can work cooperatively with a partner. The child is able to roll with a straight body, in a straight pathway. The child is able to coordinate their movements with those of a partner.

For more activities check out
Early Elementary Children Moving & Learning: A Physical Education Curriculum

By Rae Pica Copyright 2014 School-Age

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