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Let's Walk


FromEarly Elementary Children Moving & Learning,  Rae Pica

What to have “Walking Along” (Length 1:41)—CD Track 13

What to do This activity provides an excellent opportunity for you to observe the children’s strengths and weaknesses with regard to posture and alignment, weight distribution, and use of body parts—while the children simply have fun walking. Observing closely, have the children walk in the following ways: - freely (while being straight and tall) - in place (“Can you make your knees go higher? Can you do it faster?”) - forward (“Can you do it slower?”) - on tiptoe (“Can you make yourself even taller?”) - on heels (briefly) - very slowly; very quickly - with tiny steps; with giant steps - very lightly; very strongly - walk-walk-stop; repeat

Why Child will demonstrate proper posture and alignment with weight evenly distributed over all five toes and the heel of foot. Child demonstrated understanding of the imagery used by responding appropriately.

For more activities check out
Early Elementary Children Moving & Learning: A Physical Education Curriculum

By Rae Pica Copyright 2014 School-Age

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