b'DVDsCHILD DEVELOPMENTInfants DevelopmentToddlers DevelopmentPreschoolers Development DVD Set DVD Set DVD SetCD- CD- CD-ROM ROM ROMSave when you purchase each set. DVDs sold individually at www.RedleafPress.org.Positive Behavior InterventionsInfants Development DVD Set Toddlers Development DVD Set Preschoolers Development DVD Setand Supports #405577$324.95 #405555$324.95 #150366$324.95#546841$34.95(E-book #546858$34.95) Learn about infant brain developmentLearn how toddlers gross andneLearn the physical milestones that and activities that stimulate healthymotor skills develop, explore theoriesmost preschoolers reach, see a detailed growth, examine the ways newbornsof cognitive development, and observeoverview of the cognitive developmenttoddlers interacting with family andthat takes place between the ages of threet into the sensorimotor stage,andve, and watch as preschoolers learn and observe how personality andpeers as they develop attachments andabout themselves and their world as they temperament affect an infants socialsocial bonds. Three DVDs cover physicaltake on new roles outside of their homes and emotional growth. Three DVDsdevelopment, cognitive development asand families. Three DVDs cover physical cover physical development, cognitivewell as social and emotional development.development, cognitive development as development as well as social andClosed-Captioned. well as social and emotional development. emotional development.Closed-Captioned.Closed-Captioned.Encourage healthy brain developmentDiscover how to give young children the structure they need to set up a strong foundation for learning. Explore how activity, boredom, and sleep impact the brains memory and learning. Includes one copy each of Activity, Sleep, and Boredom; Pattern, Structure, and Novelty; and Developing Memory in Developing Brains, 20 minutes each. Each DVD may be purchased separately online at RedleafPress.org.The Brain DVD Set#409002$219.95CD-ROM Shop Online: RedleafPress.org 2928,29.revised.WS.All.22.RP.indd 2 11/6/21 10:14 PM'