b'HEALTH, MUSIC AND MOVEMENTMoving and Learning SeriesGet young children excited to move! This series provides developmentally appropriate activities that are inclusive, active, and fun. L I SHED BYU BEach book provides:P SSEAn introduction toREDLEAF PRimplementing physical education into your curriculumA variety of movement activities,extension ideas, and adaptationsToddlersPreschoolers &EarlyBook +MovingBook + KindergartnersBook +Curriculum Connectors that& Learning Moving & Learning Elementary Children Moving correlate activities with#542676$26.95 #542683$26.95 & Learningcontent learning areas(E-book #542706$26.95) (E-book #542713$26.95) #542690$24.95A CD with original musicAge focus: 13. SoftboundAge focus: 36. Softbound book, 128 pgs and CD,book, 160 pgs and CD, 27(E-book #542720$24.95)23 tracks.tracks.Age focus: 68. Softbound book, 232 pgs and CD, 28 tracks. Look for our familyEngage families to companion booklets icon get up and move with Moving and Learningtheir childrenThese take-home resources provide families with insightswith Your Child Partner with and educate familiesLISHED BYBUP Sinto their childs development and offer strategies on how SEEAF PRwith this companion piece to theRto continue what their child is learning in the early childhood #544137 $24.95 EDLclassroom at home. Moving & Learning series. Pack of 25.Activities forMovement large-motoris not milestones misbehaviorThe Joy of Movement isRae Pica advocates a preschool movementfor active learning, activity book with anot only because therapeutic perspective,its developmentally and each activity hasappropriate but because been kid tested. Thisdoing so promotes a well-organized and easy- calmer, friendlier, and to-use book includesless challenging learning fun, developmentallyenvironment. Rae offers appropriate activitiessome of her own past that foster physicalmissteps in hopes that development andreaders will be able to build self-esteem. Thelearn from her mistakes, activities are builtalong with 200 ready-around developmentalto-use movement motor milestones andThe Joy of Movement LISHED BY activities that can beActing Out!U B LISHED BYPS Bareexible enough#546421$22.95 easily implemented into SE Uto encourage skill(E-book #546438$22.95) REDL PR the day. Age focus: 38.#546964$26.95 P SSEAFEEAF PRREDLdevelopment for a varietySoftbound, 152 pgs. (E-book #546971$26.95)of learners. Age focus: 36. Softbound, 152 pgs.52 Call 1-800-423-8309 to Order52,53.WS.All.22.RP.indd 1 11/6/21 11:08 PM'