b'CD-ROMNEW FROM REDLEAF PRESSNew! The perfect journal to your start your self-reflection journeyWith this journal, Dr. Luz Casio offers her authentic voice in a way that centers her bilingual and bicultural knowledges, experience, and perspectives. At the same time, her re ection prompts provide opportunities for readers to center their own cultural knowledges and perspectives as valid counternarratives to what has dominated theeld. A regular practice of using a learning journal provides a window into your own inner wisdom, wonderings, and visual metaphors. Looking back through the pages, you begin to see who you are now and uncover who you want to be.Although this journal was created as a companion to The Visionary Director, it can also be used as an independent learning tool. The re ection prompts can be used for course discussions and assignments, as well as in professional learning communities (PLC).Softbound, 88 pgs. Available May 2022.Con este diario, Dra. Luz Casio ofrece su voz autntica de una manera que centra sus conocimientos, experiencias y perspectivas bilinges y biculturales. Al mismo tiempo, sus sugerencias de re exin brindan oportunidades para que los lectores centren sus propios conocimientos y perspectivas culturales como contra narrativas vlidas de lo que ha dominado el campo.Una prctica regular de usar un diario de aprendizaje proporciona una ventana a su propia sabidura interior, preguntas y metforas visuales. Mirando hacia atrs a travs de las pginas, comienzas a ver quin eres ahora y descubres quin quieres ser.Aunque este diario se cre como complemento de The Visionary Director, tambin se puede utilizar como una herramienta de aprendizaje independiente. Las sugerencias de re exin se pueden utilizar para discusiones y asignaciones de cursos, as como en comunidades de aprendizaje profesional (PLC). Libro en rustica, 88 pginas. Disponible en mayo de 2022.Visionary Director Re ection Journal ISHED BYB LUP SS#547794 $21.95 R EEDLEAF PR(E-book #547800$21.95)Luz Maria Caslo divides her time between directing Refugee and Immigrant Family Center Bilingual Preschool (RIFC), and consulting, training, adult instruction as adjunct faculty at Highline College. As a bilingual, bicultural educator, Luz has chamipioned critical pedagogy and equity in education at the local See pageand state level.14 for The VisionaryThe Visionary Director, Third EditionDirector #547282$44.95 ISHED BYB LUPSS(E-book #547299$44.95)REDLEAF PREShop Online: RedleafPress.org 504,05.SPR.22.RP.indd 2 11/6/21 9:28 PM'