Nominate a Child Care Provider Today!

Please use the form below to nominate an outstanding child care provider in your community to receive a $50 Redleaf Press Gift Certificate and a special delivery of flowers so they know how appreciated they are for the work they do every day.


name of provider/center:

provider contact information (no po boxes, us only)

street address*:

street address 2:




years of service*:

email address of nominee or contact (for follow up)*:

phone number of nominee or contact*:

your information (if not nominee or contact)

first and last name:


email address:

your phone number:

tell us your story about why you became a child care provider, and what you love about your job:

if nominating someone else, tell us what makes them a great early childhood professional:

* required fields

Terms & Conditions: Winners will be selected at random. Only early child care providers with shipping addresses in the U.S.A. are eligible to win. No PO Boxes. Nominations will be open until 5/9/19. The winner will be announced 5/10/19.