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Brain Insight Cards set of 6
Author: Deborah McNelis
(3 reviews)
Price: $54.95
These quick activity ideas benefit children's brain development in fun and easy ways. Each card provides a learning activity idea and includes an explanation about how it enhances brain development. These Brain Insights activity cards are compac...
No Biting 3E and Why Children Bite Set
Price: $39.95
Read a sample chapter or the table of contents of No Biting: Policy and Practice for Toddler Programs, 2nd Edition Biting is an issue that is more than skin-deep; it is a concern that has developmental, emotional, or environmental origins. An "un...
Loose Parts 4: Inspiring 21st Century Learning
Price: $34.95
In the newest installment of the popular, award-winning Loose Parts series, Lisa Daly and Miriam Beloglovsky focus on family engagement and competency building. Age focus 3–8. Softbound. 312 pages.
Reflection, Perspective-Taking, and Social Justice: Stories of Empathy and Kindness in the Early Childhood Classroom
Price: $24.95
This inspirational book brings readers inside the school to aid them in their own personal and professional reflections on practices and ways of being with children in this shared journey towards a better world.?
No Biting Trainers Set
Price: $44.95
Take the time and guesswork out of preparing an effective, high-quality training on strategies and solutions to toddler biting. 200 pages + CD-ROMAge focus: 0–3
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