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Displaying 61 - 72 of 216 results
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Help Me Thrive While I’m Five: Making Connections with Five-Year-Olds
Author: Deborah McNelis
Price: $14.95
Challenge, engage, and interact with five-year-olds as your promote brain development. These hands-on learning activity ideas support children as they build skill in all areas. Information on how these attentive and fun experiences help a child...
When Play Isn’t Easy: Helping Children Enter and Sustain Play
Price: $14.95
Play is key to young children's development and one of the most influential ways they learn. Sometimes, though, play isn't easy for children. They may find it hard to fit in, get along, or collaborate with peers. With your help, children can le...
When Play Isn’t Fun: Helping Children Resolve Play Conflicts
Price: $12.95
Play is essential for children's development and as they learn life skills. But some children face challenges when playing with others, and conflicts can erupt over sharing toys, taking turns, and feeling left out. Despite those moments, children...
Ooey Gooey® Tooey: 140 exciting hands-on activity ideas for young children
Author: Lisa Murphy
Price: $24.95
140 hands-on activity ideas The highly anticipated sequel to The Ooey Gooey® Handbook, this resource shares 140 activities, art ideas and recipes, and sensory tub concoctions. Age focus: 3-8. Softbound, 204 pgs.
Focused Observations 2nd Ed Book and PowerPoint Set
Price: $99.95
One copy each of Focused Observations, Second Edition, and Focused Observations PowerPoint Presentation.
Ooey Gooey® Set (5 books)
Author: Lisa Murphy
Price: $110.95
One copy each of The Ooey Gooey Handbook, Ooey Gooey Tooey, Even More Fizzle, Bubble, Pop & Wow! Simple Science Experiments for Young Children. and Lisa Murphy on Play.
Early Learning Theories Made Visible
(1 review)
Price: $39.95
Go beyond reading about early learning theories and see what they look like in action in modern programs and teacher practices. With classroom vignettes and colorful photographs, this book makes the works of Jean Piaget, Erik Erikson, Lev Vy...
Loose Parts: Inspiring Play in Young Children
Price: $34.95
Loose parts are natural or synthetic found, bought, or upcycled materials—acorns, hardware, stones, aluminum foil, fabric scraps, for example—that children can move, manipulate, control, and change within their play. Loose parts are...
Family Child Care Record Keeping Guide, 9th Edition
Author: Tom Copeland
Price: $21.95
Family Child Care Record-Keeping Guide, Ninth Edition, is the new edition of the bestselling guide and has even more valuable information for tracking expenses and income and saving money on your taxes. Revised and updated, the Family Child Car...
Ooey Gooey® Handbook: Identifying and Creating Child-Centered Environments
Author: Lisa Murphy
Price: $24.95
Find more than 65 hands-on art, science, and outside play activity ideas for creating engaging environments both at home and at school. If you are just beginning your Ooey Gooey® journey, this is a great book to read. It includes an informa...
When Play Isn't Fun / Easy Set
Price: $19.95
Play is vital to children's overall healthy development. Play can be fun, but sometimes it is painful or discouraging. Children might have difficulty joining play or participating in group play, or they might fight or feel left out. These books pro...
Hip on Health
Price: $13.17
This collection of displayable mini-posters and reproducible one-page information sheets provide accurate content on more than 140 key health, safety, and well-being topics. These tools will increase parent and caregiver knowledge, enhance comm...
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