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Preschoolers: Social & Emotional Development DVD
Price: $118.95
Preschoolers are creative, curious and active experimenters that learn about themselves and their world as they take on new roles outside of their homes and families. In their interactions with peers, children commonly show kindness and compassion ...
Preschoolers: Physical Development DVD
Price: $118.95
From the ages of two to five, preschoolers reach developmental milestones with endless energy and increasing physical coordination. This detailed, entertaining and informative look into the world of preschoolers shows them engaged in activities tha...
Preschoolers: Cognitive Development DVD
Price: $118.95
It is simply fascinating to observe how preschoolers begin to use language, mental imagery and symbolic thinking; think of past and future events; and think about their own thinking. Children start to clearly express themselves and grasp sophistica...
Infants: Physical Development DVD
Price: $77.32
Watch as infants begin to explore their world and reach different milestones along the way. Learn how a baby's brain develops, what activities help stimulate healthy brain growth, and the importance of proper nutrition and sleep during the first...
Infants: Cognitive Development DVD
Price: $77.32
Infants' brains are actively developing with everything they experience. Examine how newborns fit into the sensorimotor stage—tracing cognitive development from simple reflexes to beginnings of thought. Explore infant intelligence, informa...
Infants: Social & Emotional Development DVD
Price: $77.32
In the first year of life, infants express a range of emotions. Watch as they begin to distinguish the expressions of others and mimic them as well. Examine the different stages of emotional development, and learn how children form attachments w...
Infants Development DVD Set
Price: $324.95
Save over $30 when you buy this set! Infants: Physical Development Watch as infants begin to explore their world and reach different milestones along the way. Learn how a baby's brain develops, what activities help stimulate healthy brain g...
Large Motor Games We Like to Play! DVD
Author: Lisa Murphy
Price: $29.00
Get up and get moving! Lisa Murphy will teach you large motor games that can be played both indoors and out. Special features include a self test, handout, and certification document. 24 minutes. Closed-Captioned.
Lisa Murphy DVD Set
Author: Lisa Murphy
Price: $493.00
Get all 13 DVDs from Lisa Murphy, including: What If Today Was Their Only Day? Making Time for Books and Stories Oh Those Little Ones The Importance of Early Experiences Fizzle, Bubble, Pop & WOW! Identifying and Creating Child-Centered Environm...
Fizzle, Bubble, Pop & WOW! DVD
Author: Lisa Murphy
Price: $79.00
Science does not have to be hard, difficult, or complicated. This workshop will reassure you that you do not need a degree in biology or chemistry to have an engaging science program. Lisa demonstrates six tables of age-appropriate science acti...