Product Code:
546902 (Cards)
978-1-60554-690-2 (Cards)
Age Focus: 0-3
Full Color
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Published by Redleaf Press New Product
Teaching infants and toddlers modified sign language can ease frustration at this age when children begin to know what they want, need and feel but don't have the verbal skills to express themselves. The Sign Language Cards for Infants and Toddlers give early childhood professionals and families simple directions on how to use modified signs with infants and toddlers.

Common words like "mom," "dad," "eat," "banana," and "milk" are included in the infant and toddler set. The front of each card includes a colorful illustration and a short description of how to make the sign. The back of each card explains when to use the sign and how doing so will help children develop.

40 ring bound, laminated cards

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