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Education Development Center, Inc. 's Books

  • Exploring Water with Young Children Teacher's Guide

    Authors: Ingrid Chalufour, Karen Worth, Education Development Center, Inc.

    Product Code:
    410201 (Softbound)
    978-192961054-9 (Softbound)
    Age Focus: 3-6

    Description & More Details

    NSTA Recommends

    Water is in our oceans and rivers, and in the pipes of our houses and schools. Water—in one way or another —is part of every day.

    The third component of the Young Scientist Series helps you guide children as they deepen their understanding of liquids and the properties of water. Nationally field-tested, this curriculum helps children develop basic science skills such as questioning, investigating, and discussing, as well as the forming of ideas and theories.

  • Building Structures with Young Children Teacher's Guide

    Authors: Ingrid Chalufour, Karen Worth, Education Development Center, Inc.

    Product Code:
    409301 (Softbound)
    978-192961050-1 (Softbound)

    Description & More Details

    NSTA Recommends

    From playground equipment to skyscrapers, structures have a major role in our lives. The second topic in the Young Scientist series, Building Structures with Young Childrenpresents to teachers explorations that deepen children's understanding of building block structures—including concepts such as gravity, stability, and balance.

    168 pages

  • Discovering Nature with Young Children Teacher's Guide

    Authors: Ingrid Chalufour, Karen Worth, Education Development Center, Inc.

    Product Code:
    407001 (Softbound)
    978-192961038-9 (Softbound)

    Description & More Details

    NSTA Recommends

    Let's do real science! Discovering Nature with Young Children is an inquiry-based curriculum that builds on children's natural curiosity about the living world.

    The curriculum guide helps you prepare yourself and and your classroom for a new approach to science learning. It then assists you in planning open and focused explorations, ranging from indoor terraria to outdoor animal searches and habitat discussions. You will also learn how to better observe, assess, and document the children's learning.

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