About the Author:

Sally MoomawSally Moomaw, EdD, is an associate professor of early childhood education at the University of Cincinnati. Much of her research and teaching is in the area of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) education. She received her doctoral degree in special education from the University of Cincinnati in 2008 following a long career as a preschool teacher and as the associate director for professional development at the college’s Arlitt Center. She is the author or coauthor of fourteen books on early childhood curriculum, including the More Than series, Lessons from Turtle Island, and Teaching STEM in the Early Years. She designed a Mathematics Tool Kit for the Ohio Department of Education to help teachers implement state content standards, and has presented numerous workshops for colleges, school districts, and conferences throughout the country. She also holds a bachelor’s degree in music and a master’s degree in child development, both from the University of Cincinnati.

Sally Moomaw, EdD 's Books

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  • More Than Singing: Discovering Music in Preschool and Kindergarten

    Author: Sally Moomaw, EdD

    Product Code:
    305001 (Softbound)
    540641 (e-book)
    978-188483434-9 (Softbound)
    978-1-60554-064-1 (e-book)

    Description & More Details

    Do you wonder if "The Wheels on the Bus" and rhythm bands are the only way to share music with kids? More Than Singing is the book for you! This book features more than 100 musical activities; it has ideas for creating songs, instruments, music centers, and extensions into language, science, and math. Throughout, the text has clear directions and musical notations. Downloadlable music included with the book contains all the songs -- which include music for movement and transitions -- accompanied by guitar or autoharp.

    Softbound: 272 pages and downloadable music: 75 minutes

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