About the Author:

Dr. Hopi Lovell Martin was born of mixed Lenape and European ancestries in western Massachusetts with no tribal belonging or knowledge of his Anishinaabe family. He grew up in Tkaronto (Toronto), where he met his Niiyawe’enh (Namesake), Dr. Gokoomis (Grandmother) Jacque/line Lavallée, Waabizheshii Doodem (Ojibwe Marten Clan) from the bush at the edge of Shawanaga First Nation along the Eastern Shore of Georgian Bay. It was her family that named him and claimed him as her Niiyawe’enh (Namesake) and Oshkaabewis (Ceremonial Helper, Messenger, Fire Keeper, and Lodge Caretaker). Through this reciprocal relationship he helped her earn her doctorate in social justice education and she helped him earn his PhD in developmental psychology and education by bringing forward this Ojibwe Bush Knowledge of a Seasonal Pedagogy that has always been remembered in her Ojibwe family but was found to have application to all Peoples/Nations.