About the Author:

Kirsten Cole, PhD is a teacher, researcher, and public school parent based in Brooklyn, NY. Her research interests include anti-racist/anti-bias education, the study of teachers' lives, and the relationships between families and teachers, and she has published multiple articles and book chapters based on her research. Cole received her doctorate in Urban Education from the City University of New York (CUNY) in 2013. She has the pleasure to teach and learn from her students and colleagues as a professor of early childhood education at CUNY’s Borough of Manhattan Community College. Cole and her colleagues have been awarded grants from BMCC’s President’s Fund for Excellence and CUNY’s Black, Race, and Ethnic Studies Initiative to support their work on BMCC’s Anti-Racist Pedagogy Project.

Kirsten Cole, PhD 's Books

  • Teaching for Love and Justice: Learning about Race and Racism Alongside Young Children

    Author: Kirsten Cole, PhD

    Product Code:
    548609 (Softbound)
    978-1-60554-860-9 (Softbound)
    Age Focus: 0-8
    Available: December 15, 2025

    Description & More Details

    Lays out a roadmap for educators who are striving to integrate anti-racist teaching into their programs.

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