About the Author:

Deb Curtis and Margie Carter

Deb Curtis has spent the past 40 years working with children and teachers in early childhood programs. She is the coauthor of numerous professional learning books with Margie Carter, including The Visionary Director, Training Teachers, The Art of Awareness, Designs for Living and Learning, Reflecting Children’s Lives, Learning Together with Young Children, and Reflecting in Communities of Practice and author of Really Seeing Children.

She holds an MA in human development from Pacific Oaks College and has worked as an infant/toddler caregiver, preschool and school age child care teacher, CDA trainer, Head Start education coordinator, college instructor, and assistant director of a child care program.

Deb Curtis 's Books

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  • Learning Together with Young Children, Second Edition

    Authors: Margie Carter, Deb Curtis

    Product Code:
    545226 (Softbound)
    545233 (e-book)
    978-1-60554-522-6 (Softbound)
    978-1-60554-523-3 (e-book)
    Age Focus: 0–5
    Full Color

    Description & More Details

    Published by Redleaf Press Free sample chapter

    In this new edition of their classic book, Curtis and Carter offer an alternative framework to approach standardization and data-driven mandates. This book puts young children at the center of planning your curriculum. Rather than following a prescriptive curriculum, teachers can translate educational theories into concrete ideas for working with children and families.

    330 pages; 300 photos

  • Designs for Living and Learning, Second Edition: Transforming Early Childhood Environments

    Authors: Margie Carter, Deb Curtis

    Product Code:
    543727 (Softbound)
    543734 (e-book)
    9781605543727 (Softbound)
    9781605543734 (e-book)
    Age Focus: 3-5
    Full Color

    Description & More Details

    Published by Redleaf Press free sample Designs for Living and Learning Second Edition

    You likely have dreams for your early childhood environment that are greater than rating scales, regulations, and room arrangements. Designs for Living and Learning has been a favorite resource among educators and caregivers for more than a decade, and this new edition is packed with even more ideas that can be used as you create captivating environments that nurture children, families, and staff while supporting children's learning. With hundreds of all-new colorful photographs of real early learning settings and a multitude of simple and practical concepts for creative indoor and outdoor spaces and learning materials, this book truly is a source of inspiration as you learn how to shape welcoming spaces where children can learn and grow.

    Age focus: 3–5. Softbound, 360 pgs.

  • Really Seeing Children

    Author: Deb Curtis

    Product Code:
    702644 (Softbound)
    9780942702644 (Softbound)

    Description & More Details

    Deb Curtis has cultivated a reflective teaching practice devoted to really seeing children. Through her collection of stories and photographs, learn to suspend your adult agenda to really see children’s perspectives and the amazing ways they experience the world. Taking up this practice will bring joy and deeper understanding to your work and life and allow you to engage with children in a more meaningful teaching and learning process.

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