About the Author:

Charlotte Hendricks Dr. Charlotte M. Hendricks, president and founder of www.childhealthonline.org, has promoted health education for young children, parents, and teachers for over thirty years. Her career in early childhood health education began in 1980 in a health department, where she pioneered research and curriculum development in preschool health education. Her work has continued with experience in higher education, Head Start, and national research projects. Recognized as a leader in her field, Charlotte's work is based on the principle that adults are responsible for children's health and safety; however, young children need to explore their work and begin to develop decision-making skills and healthy habits to promote lifelong health. She provides training sessions for Head Start and early childcare programs, presents at state and national conferences, is editor of a peer-reviewed magazine, and has published numerous curricula and resource materials, including HIP on Health Parent Information and resources for state and national organizations. Her published works, including the Growing, Growing Strong series and Redleaf Quick Guide to Medical Emergencies in Early Childhood Settings, exemplify her ability to present essential information in an easy-to-follow format.

Charlotte Hendricks, PhD 's Books

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  • Medical Emergencies in Early Childhood and School-Age Settings, Revised Edition

    Author: Charlotte Hendricks

    Product Code:
    544373 (Spiral bound)
    545356 (e-book)
    978-1-60554-437-3 (Spiral bound)
    978-1-60554-535-6 (e-book)
    Age Focus: 0-8

    Description & More Details

    Published by Redleaf Press

    Quickly address children’s serious medical situations, including cuts, bites and stings, sudden illness, choking and allergic reactions. Designed to quickly find what you need and spiral bound to stay open in an emergency situation. Find updated CPR guidelines from the American Heart Association in this revised edition October 2015. Get tips on injury prevention, advice on when to call for paramedics, and crucial step-by-step instructions for when you face a medical emergency. Reviewed by medical experts for accuracy and ease of use.

    Age focus 0–8. Spiral bound, 62pgs.

  • Disaster Planning and Preparedness in Early Childhood and Schoolage Care Settings

    Author: Charlotte Hendricks

    Product Code:
    544076 (Softbound)
    544083 (e-book)
    978-1-60554-407-6 (Softbound)
    978-1-60554-408-3 (e-book)
    Age Focus: 0-12

    Description & More Details

    Published by Redleaf Press Free sample chapter

    Let's hope that you'll never have to face a natural or manmade disaster at your setting, but if it should happen, you need to have a plan and be prepared to carry it out. Nothing is more important than the safety of children. That's why this Quick Guide is an important addition to your professional library. Use it to create a personalized plan for each of the disaster scenarios covered in the book-evacuation, bomb threat, need to take shelter, lockdown, extended shelter, transportation emergencies, and an active shooter. This up-to-date information has been checked for accuracy by an authority on disaster planning and preparedness. Don't be caught off guard, use this book to help you be prepared for the unexpected. Age focus: 0–12

  • Hip on Health (CD-ROM)

    Author: Charlotte Hendricks

    Product Code:
    544038 (CD-ROM)
    978-1-60554-403-8 (CD-ROM)
    Age Focus: 0-8

    Description & More Details

    Published by Redleaf Press

    This collection of displayable mini-posters and reproducible one-page information sheets provide accurate content on more than 140 key health, safety, and well-being topics. These tools will increase parent and caregiver knowledge, enhance communication with families, and serve as educational tools for the educators and caregivers you work with.

    Age focus: 0–8. CD-ROM.

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