Product Code:
101824 (Softbound Book Set)
101824 (Softbound Book Set)
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Family Child Care 2024 Tax Workbook & Organizer And Family Child Care 2024 Tax Companion
Product Code: 101824
ISBN: 978-1-60554-842-5 (Softbound)
ISBN: 978-1-60554-843-2(Softbound)

A favorite tool for family child care providers filing their own taxes

As tax season approaches each year, thousands of family child care providers save time and money using the Workbook and Organizers. The most comprehensive resource available, this book contains up-to-date guidance so family child care providers can accurately complete their own tax returns and take advantage of all the business deductions they are entitled to claim.

280 pages.

The Family Child Care 2024 Tax Companion is a comprehensive tool that will help tax preparers understand the unique rules that affect family child care businesses. Using this resource will increase your confidence in the tax professional who prepares your return, help you identify potential errors before your taxes are filed, and ensure that your tax preparer is claiming all allowable deductions. Once you fill out the worksheets in this book, give them to your tax professional to use as a guide as your tax forms are completed. This will help you ensure your business expenses are properly deducted.

80 pages.

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