About the Author:

Elizabeth Verdick is best known for her board books for toddlers, including the award-winning Best Behavior series and the Toddler Tools series. She is a coauthor in the Laugh and Learn series for older children.

Elizabeth Verdick 's Books

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  • Noses Are Not for Picking

    Author: Elizabeth Verdick   Illustrated by: Marieka Heinlen

    Product Code:
    424712 (Board book)
    9781575424712 (Board book)
    Age Focus: 1-4
    Full Color

    Description & More Details

    We’ve all seen it; the nose-picking habit starts as early as the toddler years, and no child is the exception. Young children pick their noses for a variety of reasons, from colds to allergies to curiosity or boredom. This board book for toddlers and preschoolers is the answer to the age-old question, “How can I get my child not to pick, especially not in public?”

  • Voices are Not for Yelling

    Author: Elizabeth Verdick   Illustrated by: Marieka Heinlen

    Product Code:
    425009 (Board book)
    9781575425009 (Board book)
    Age Focus: 1-4
    Full Color

    Description & More Details

    Very young children don’t yet have the words to express strong feelings, and they’re still learning social skills. This book helps little ones understand why it’s better to use an indoor voice “so people hear the words and not the yelling” and how to calm down and ask for help so they can get what they need.

    Also includes tips for parents and caregivers.

    24 pages

  • On-the-Go Time

    Author: Elizabeth Verdick   Illustrated by: Marieka Heinlen

    Product Code:
    423791 (Board Book)
    978-1-57542-379-1 (Board Book)
    Age Focus: 2 and up

    Description & More Details

    award winner

    Winner of the 2012 Creative Child Preferred Choice Award

    Get ready, get set, go get into coats...out the door ...into the car. With On-the-Go Time, shopping and running errands with children really can mean fewer hassles and more fun for everyone! Toddlers learn simple tools and encouragement to keep moving, cope with the changing scenes, and be super helpers in the car, at the store or library, and on the road. What do they do when they’re on-the-go? Listen, follow along, and even lend a hand. If they’re struggling with transition times, or feeling disappointed or overstimulated along the way, they can take deep breaths to calm down.

    24 pages

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Displaying items 1 - 3 of 15