Focused Observations, Third Edition, explains how observation can help you get to know each child well, track progress, and plan individualized curriculum. It also provides tools and techniques to help you strengthen your observations, document in time-efficient ways, create portfolios with rich documentation, and support each child. You will also learn how to share your findings with families and grow as an observer through review and reflection activities. Learn answers to common questions about observation, including:
"Transform your teaching practice with Focused Observations, Third Edition. This comprehensive resource delivers transformative tools and techniques that elevate observational practices, enrich portfolio documentation, and enhance support for each child's development. Whether you're new to the field or an experienced educator, Focused Observations provides the tools you need to become a skilled observer and responsive teacher. Through observation and documentation, you'll deepen your understanding of how children learn and develop, strengthen partnerships with families, and create a curriculum that truly meets the needs of every child in your care." —Jennifer Berube, M.Ed., Consultant, Coach, and Project Manager, The Playful Learning Institute