PUBLISHED: Monday, October 7, 2013

Mike Huber

How can we create early learning environments where every child truly belongs?

In a recent interview, author Mike Huber explored this essential question and shared insights from his book, Inclusion Includes Us. Listen below!


Inclusion Includes Us encourages educators to view children and their families as valuable experts while reflecting on their own cultural influences and abilities. This thoughtful guide offers practical tools to build a welcoming community where everyone feels seen, valued, and included.

Mike Huber has dedicated his life to serving children, families, and the field of early childhood. He has been an early childhood educator since 1992 and has worked as a trainer and consultant for the Minnesota Department of Education, the Child Care Resource and Referral Network, and the Minnesota Association for the Education of Young Children (MnAEYC). He has written for Teaching Young Children and a number of stories, songs, and puppet shows for children. He is honored with several awards, including the 2012 Kate Davidson Tanner Award from MNAEYC, the Scholastic Early Childhood Professional Award Honorable Mention (2006), and Teach Leadership (2006) from Hamline University's Master of Arts Education Program.

Mike cohosts the podcast “Teaching with the Body in Mind” and is a frequent guest on “That Early Childhood Nerd”. He is the director of curriculum at Rise Early Learning Center in St. Louis Park, Minn., and is also on the boards of the American Association for Child’s Right to Play and Play Lab Foundation. Mike holds a master's degree in education from Hamline University, St. Paul, Minn.

Learn more and see a full list of titles by Mike Huber.