Product Code:
663430 (Softbound Book Set)
(Softbound Book Set)
Age Focus: 0-12
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Published by Redleaf Press

Discover why school readiness IS children’s play

One copy each of The Ooey Gooey® Handbook, Ooey Gooey® Tooey, Even More Fizzle, Bubble, Pop & Wow! Simple Science Experiments for Young Children, Lisa Murphy on Play and Lisa Murphy on Being Child Centered.

The Ooey Gooey® Handbook, find more than 65 hands-on art, science, and outside play activity ideas for creating engaging environments both at home and at school. If you are just beginning your Ooey Gooey® journey, this is a great book to read.

Ooey Gooey® Tooey is chock full of 140 hands-on art ideas, sensory tub concoctions, and other activity ideas.

Even More Fizzle, Bubble, Pop & Wow! Simple Science Experiments for Young Children has more than 80 simple science experiments that promote learning in fun and unique ways. Each uses supplies that you probably already have in your classroom or kitchen.

In Lisa Murphy on Play learn the seven things we must do with children every day and why they are so important. Use your daily observations to incorporate these seven things in an authentic and engaging way.

Lisa Murphy on Child-Centered Environments provides an in-depth exploration of the author’s approach to working with children. Lisa Murphy outlines nine characteristics programs need to build an environment that’s child-centered, where play, developmentally appropriate practice, and academic standards all come together under one roof.

Enjoy the following interview with Lisa Murphy about Lisa Murphy on Play 2nd Edition: The Foundation of Children's Learning. A special thank you to Jeff Johnson for sharing his interview with Lisa!. Click here to listen to the interview.

About Lisa Murphy

Lisa Murphy, MEd, has been involved with early childhood education for over 30 years, teaching and working with children in various environments including Head Start, kindergarten, private more..