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Infants Development DVD Set
Price: $324.95
Save over $30 when you buy this set! Infants: Physical Development Watch as infants begin to explore their world and reach different milestones along the way. Learn how a baby's brain develops, what activities help stimulate healthy brain g...
Beyond Behavior Management, Second Edition: The Six Life Skills Children Need
Author: Jenna Bilmes
(1 review)
Price: $44.95
Why do children do the things they do? What can teachers do to manage it all? While there is not a simple method for understanding and managing all behaviors or all children, teachers can give young children the social and emotional tools needed t...
Emergent Set
Author: Susan Stacey
Price: $53.95
Take an exploratory look at the components of emergent curriculum and how its practices and principles can improve the learning culture of early childhood programs. Emergent curriculum is a philosophy that unites children's interests with the educ...
Partnering with Families: Winning Ways for Early Childhood Professionals
Author: Gigi Schweikert
Price: $22.95
Strong partnerships with families create a better environment for children to learn and grow. This resource addresses the realities of working with families and provides effective steps to help you initiate and maintain efforts as you build mutu...
Winning Ways: Set 1
Author: Gigi Schweikert
Price: $21.95
The Winning Ways series provides important information on professionalism, teamwork, and supporting families. Sold in convenient packs of three, these self-training workbooks are ideal for use in in-house trainings, to give to new staff in your...
Developmentally Appropriate Play Stories CD-ROM
Author: Gaye Gronlund
Price: $99.95
Key principles, video clips, and play stories illustrate the many ways to enhance children's play experiences on this CD-ROM program. Focusing on the importance of play in early childhood, it explores the levels of children's play and teachers' ...
Becoming a Team Player: Winning Ways for Early Childhood Professionals
Author: Gigi Schweikert
Price: $21.95
Being a team player is not always easy, but it is necessary as an early childhood professional. When everyone is committed to being part of a strong team, your program will be a more functional, loving place where children thrive. Filled with s...
Being a Professional: Winning Ways for Early Childhood Professionals
Author: Gigi Schweikert
Price: $22.95
Passion for working with children is a cornerstone in your line of work, but as an early childhood professional, you also need to look the part, act the part, and keep a positive attitude. Whether it is your first day on the job or you have y...
Family Child Care Marketing Guide, Second Edition
Author: Tom Copeland
Price: $18.95
Download the appendix forms Whether you are just starting out or have an established business, this resource provides the best marketing strategies for promoting your program and filling it to capacity—even during tough economic times. This ...
Getting Ready For Kindergarten (set of 25)
Price: $24.95
Starting kindergarten is an important, exciting, and maybe even scary step for children—and possibly for their parents. Work with families as they prepare their children with Getting Ready for Kindergarten, an educational booklet written just...
Good Going! The Potty Training Guide for Families (set of 25)
Price: $24.95
Make a coordinated effort with families as their children begin potty training. This family companion to Good Going! explains the signs when a child is ready to begin potty training, provides tips to help parents prepare for training, and answers c...
Child/Home Early Language & Literacy Observation Tool
Price: $16.22
Child/Home Early Language and Literacy Observation (CHELLO) is the only observation tool specifically designed to rate the early literacy environment in home-based child care settings. A reliable, field-tested tool derived from the classroom-focus...
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