Product Code:
548111 (Softbound)
978-1-60554-811-1 (Softbound)
Age Focus: 0-8
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Unleash the power of creativity for young children and yourself.

Follow the authors of Creativity in Young Children on a journey of curiosity as they unlock the secrets of creativity, deepening understanding of the “what” of creativity, its connections to child development, and how it shapes and is shaped by the people, communities, and world around us. Creativity is so critical to the way humans grow and learn that it should be at the center and not the periphery of early childhood education. When you nurture creativity and original ideas in children, you are providing them with everything they need for cognitive and social emotional learning.

The authors organized what they learned into seven Big Ideas about creativity:

  • Creativity as a Life-Force
  • The Neuroscience of Creativity
  • Creativity and Neurodiversity
  • Creativity as Curriculum
  • Creativity in Formal and Informal Settings
  • Creativity and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Creativity and Trauma
Featuring case studies and the authors’ personal stories, the book is a call to action to change how we raise, nurture, and teach our children to honor their innate creativity.

Age Focus: 0-8. Softbount. 176 pages.


"From its very first pages, Creativity in Young Children felt like a triumph—one that . . . let me slow down and not worry so much. With its generous mix of research and practical advice, it’s a guidebook for what Fred Rogers called “our job in life”: encouraging young children to discover, and express, the things that make them them.” — from the forward by Ryan Rydzewski

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