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Displaying 61 - 65 of 65 results
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Complete Kindergarten Set
Price: $64.95
Includes one copy of Ready for Kindergarten 2nd Edition, 25 Getting Ready for Kindergarten booklets, and 5 I'm Going to Kindergarten! booklets.
Expressing Creativity in Preschool
Price: $17.47
Discover how to use learning centers organized into art, music and movement, and dramatic play in innovative ways. For each center, identify what children do and learn in that center, how to include children’s families and cultures, and tips for ...
Reflection, Perspective-Taking, and Social Justice: Stories of Empathy and Kindness in the Early Childhood Classroom
Price: $24.95
This inspirational book brings readers inside the school to aid them in their own personal and professional reflections on practices and ways of being with children in this shared journey towards a better world.?
Inquiry-Based Early Learning Environments: Creating, Supporting, and Collaborating
Author: Susan Stacey
Price: $39.95
An in-depth look at children's inquiry and effects of environment in early childhood settings. Age Focus: 3–6 years Softbound, 168 pgs Full Color
Challenging Exceptionally Bright Children in Early Childhood Classrooms
Author: Ann Gadzikowski
Price: $34.95
Nearly every early childhood classroom has an exceptionally bright child-from the child who starts reading independently at age three to the child who would rather take apart his tricycle than ride on it. These strategies help you create a richer...
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