Product Code:
547283 (Softbound Book Set)
547283 (Softbound Book Set)
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Published by Redleaf Press
This set contains The Visionary Director, Third Edition and The Visionary Director Reflection Journal

A new vision for a new time

Create a larger vision in your child care program and perform your job as a center director with motivation and creativity. Early childhood leaders Deb Curtis, Margie Carter, and Luz Casio provide inspiration and support in this newly updated edition of The Visionary Director.

The third edition:

  • reflects new requirements and initiatives in early childhood programs
  • adds QR Code access links with short video stories and print resources that further illuminate the ideas under consideration
  • has a stronger focus on creating an organizational culture that is shaped by more diverse perspectives with an anti-racist, anti-bias, equity lens
  • updates content to address current early childhood education trends and leadership for an expanded definition of quality

Find a concrete framework for approaching and organizing your work, as well as principles, strategies, and self-directed activities to support your vision for building a strong learning community for your staff and the young children in their care.

416 pages.

The perfect companion journal to your start your self-reflection journey

With this journal, Dr. Luz Casio offers her authentic voice in a way that centers her bilingual and bicultural knowledges, experience, and perspectives. At the same time, her reflection prompts provide opportunities for readers to center their own cultural knowledges and perspectives as valid counternarratives to what has dominated the field.

A regular practice of using a learning journal provides a window into your own inner wisdom, wonderings, and visual metaphors. Looking back through the pages, you begin to see who you are now and uncover who you want to be.

Although this journal was created as a companion to The Visionary Director, it can also be used as an independent learning tool. The reflection prompts can be used for course discussions and assignments, as well as in professional learning communities (PLC). 88 pages.

Con este diario, Dra. Luz Casio ofrece su voz auténtica de una manera que centra sus conocimientos, experiencias y perspectivas bilingües y biculturales. Al mismo tiempo, sus sugerencias de reflexión brindan oportunidades para que los lectores centren sus propios conocimientos y perspectivas culturales como contra narrativas válidas de lo que ha dominado el campo.

Una práctica regular de usar un diario de aprendizaje proporciona una ventana a su propia sabiduría interior, preguntas y metáforas visuales. Mirando hacia atrás a través de las páginas, comienzas a ver quién eres ahora y descubres quién quieres ser.

Aunque este diario se creó como complemento de The Visionary Director, también se puede utilizar como una herramienta de aprendizaje independiente. Las sugerencias de reflexión se pueden utilizar para discusiones y asignaciones de cursos, así como en comunidades de aprendizaje profesional (PLC). Libro en rustica, 88 páginas.

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