Product Code:
328201 (Softbound)
541921 (e-book)
978-1-60554-016-0 (Softbound)
978-1-60554-192-1 (e-book)
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As a home visitor to family child care settings, you face many challenges and deal with a great variety of personalities, environments, and problems—each one as unique as the individual client. Loaded with tools and strategies, this resource presents a variety of skills that will help you meet those challenges and educate, support, and model high-quality standards in family child care.

Develop effective strategies to safely and successfully perform your family child care home visitor duties whether you are a:

  • Licenser
  • Social worker
  • Early intervention professional
  • Food program monitor
  • Family child care system representative
  • Head Start personnel
  • Child Development Associate (CDA) monitor
  • Accreditation or environmental rating scale observer

Each module of The Home Visitor's Manual provides an in-depth discussion about the soft skills—such as communication, documentation, time management, and work place safety—you need to handle specific situations that may occur during your visits. Modules include overviews and learning objectives, case studies demonstrating each skill, self-examination activities and checklists to help you prepare for and follow up on visits, and examples to help you apply each home visiting skill.

208 pages

About Sharon Woodward

Sharon Woodward is the founder of Woodward Consulting. She has owned and operated a large child care facility, worked as a family child care licensing specialist for twenty years, and has more..

About Donna C. Hurley

Donna C. Hurley is a partner in S&D Instructional Services. She was the president of Bethel Child Care Services and executive director of Parents and Children's Educational Services, Inc. She has more..

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